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星期日, 二月 25, 2007

On A Dead Violet

On A Dead Violet 枯萎紫羅蘭

-----Percy Bysshe Shelley

The odor from the flower is gone 這一朵花失去暸香味,

Which like thy kisses breathed on me; 它象妳的吻,曾对我呼吸;

The color from the flower is flown 那鮮艷的顔色也已消褪,

Which glowed of thee and only thee! 不再閃燿着妳,唯一的妳!

A shrivelled, lifeless, vacant form, 一個枯萎而僵死的形體,

It lies on my abandoned breast; 茫然畱在我淒涼的前胸,

And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, 它以冰冷而沉默的安息

With cold and silent rest. 折磨着這依舊火熱的心

I weep--my tears revive it not; 我哭了,眼淚不使它復生!

I sigh--it breathes no more on me: 我嘆息,沒有香氣撲向我!

Its mute and uncomplaining lot 唉,这沉默而無怨的宿命

Is such as mine should be. 虽是它的,可对我最適閤。
